Kellar Realty

Reasons Why Property Owners Choose Professional Management in Ocala

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Investing in residential or commercial properties is a great way to generate income, but it comes with responsibilities only some are prepared or equipped to handle. Managing property rentals entails a wide variety of different tasks to ensure that operations run smoothly. Just a few of these tasks include marketing the property, vetting tenants and ensuring there is always good communication with them, and conducting maintenance and property repairs. Hiring rental property management in Ocala, FL, liberates you from these tasks; a property manager, in effect, will do all the heavy lifting. This leaves you to focus on other pursuits, whether they are other investment opportunities, or simply improving your swing on the golf course.

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Why Invest in Ocala Florida?

Ocala, FL, is located in northern Florida’s Marion County and has a population of about 65,500 though the greater metropolitan area has a much greater population of around 350,000. Over the past few decades, Ocala has transformed itself from a community of horse farms into a community ideal for retirees, young families, students, and professionals. It also has very high numbers of tourists visiting each year.

The city is known as the Horse Capital of the World and is home to lush natural features ideal for outdoor sports like golf and tennis. In addition to over 400 thoroughbred farms and world-class equestrian facilities, Ocala, FL, offers excellent education options, affordable yet comfortable lifestyles, and a strong and diverse economy.

Return on Your Investment

Over 50% of the occupied houses in Ocala are rented providing a large pool of potential renters for your property. The renting charges consistently yield greater returns than the national average, even though the median listing price of a home is considerably lower than the national average. In Ocala, FL you can expect on average returns of between $1,500 to $2,000 a month. While this is not as much as what could gain in cities like Miami where on average you may be able to charge in the region of $2,400, the median listing price of a home is half of that in Miami. You can invest more easily in Ocala, FL, and start making very good returns with less outlay.

The Tax Benefits

A large part of what makes investing in Florida so appealing is the very favorable tax benefits it provides its residents and the business community. Florida operates a no-income-tax policy. It’s not an accident that Florida is a preferred destination for retirees. As well as enjoying the sunshine and great amenities, those who have revenue from investments get to keep all of their incomings.

As a landlord, you also enjoy great tax benefits. If you have long-term tenants who are staying at your property for longer than 6 months, you are not required to pay tax on what income you make from these rentals. This is also true in the case of students renting out your property, as long as the tenant can provide a letter confirming full-time attendance at an institution, the landlord gets to keep all income made from rent. Likewise, military personnel on active duty also enable the landlord to be exempt from any sales tax.

Advantages of Hiring a Property Management Team

If you do decide to invest in rental or commercial property in Ocala, Florida then the question arises of whether you should opt to use a property manager. A good property manager has a comprehensive and updated understanding of landlord-tenant laws, allowing them to ensure your operations are compliant with all policies, rules, and regulations.

Hiring a local rental property management team in Ocala, FL, will not only make life considerably easier on your end but it could also significantly improve your bottom line. Here are some of the advantages you enjoy when you hire a property manager.

Do You Need a Property Manager?

Hiring a rental property manager is an excellent option if you have too much on your plate, simply lack the know-how to run a rental property, or simply prefer not to be involved in its running.

  1. You may have a full-time job: Running a rental real estate property is demanding, you’re often on-call with no structured hours. Though you may be able to have a full-time job and manage one property, the likelihood is that the quality of the service you provide to the tenant and how you maintain the property will be sub-optimal. This becomes even more of an issue the more properties you have.
  2. You don’t leave near your property: Managing an investment property often requires some hands-on, in-person presence, and if it takes too much time to drive to and from your property to address an issue, there is not only a cost in time, there is added stress. A typical example is having to issue a replacement key to a tenant who has lost theirs. This is easily and quickly done with a local property manager, a nightmare if you live out of state.
  3. Your property shows signs of neglect: If your real estate investment needs some work, improvements may mean long hours and coordination with contractors about things in which you have little expertise. In this scenario, a property manager may well get you a very favorable price without you having to oversee the project.
  4. You experience long-term vacancies: If your property is frequently vacant and for long periods, there’s something wrong and you’re losing money. It may be that the market is weak at the time and demand is not high, but as we’ve seen there is always a market in Ocala, FL. A property management team will see where you can fix any issues whether it is pricing competitively or making suggestions about improving a property to bring you in line with the market.
  5. You need paperwork and legislation assistance: There are several laws and regulations that protect both tenant and landlord rights. With a property management team, all the paperwork is done and there is no need to keep on top of any legislative changes.
  6. You’re having issues with tenants: One of the most delicate issues about rentals is dealing with late payments. You could exert a lot of energy following up, sending notifications, and filing for eviction. If you don’t have the inclination or time to manage these situations, a third-party manager might be the best thing.

Hire the Best Rental Property Management Firm in Ocala, FL

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Renting out your property has great financial benefits and in Ocala, FL there is a great opportunity to be a landlord. With a property management team supporting you, you can reap the benefits of a rental property without having to struggle with all the difficulties they entail.

If you’re looking for a rental management team to rent or sell your home in Ocala, FL, we’re here to go above and beyond to ensure you reach your goals. At Kellar Realty, we provide unparalleled customer service, in-depth market knowledge, and proven tenant and real estate sale strategies.

Whatever your goal, our team can help you buy, sell, or rent your home. If you have a rental property and need a professional rental property management firm in Ocala, FL, get in touch with us at Kellar Realty. Call us at 904.269.7253 or you can send us an email here.

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